Foulards : Le guide ultime de l’écharpe
Que faire lorsque notre garde-robe devient ennuyeuse ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous montrer comment redonner de l’allure à vos tenues grâce aux foulards !
Notre communauté FITS comprend des blogs écrits par des entrepreneurs sociaux, des étudiants en mode et des passionnés d’environnement. Ils partagent une passion commune pour apporter des changements positifs dans le secteur de la mode.
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Que faire lorsque notre garde-robe devient ennuyeuse ? Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous montrer comment redonner de l’allure à vos tenues grâce aux foulards !
La mode évolue très rapidement. Avec l’introduction de micro-tendances dans le cycle de la mode, quel est leur impact sur l’industrie et la planète ?
Au cœur du monde des médias sociaux, les influenceurs sont devenus des faiseurs de tendances. Parfois, ils font la promotion de marques de fast fashion, ce qui peut influencer les choix des acheteurs.
7 astuces pour améliorer votre garde-robe de manière durable sans dépenser beaucoup d’argent. Découvrez ici des conseils pour choisir des vêtements durables et abordables.
Learn about the future of circular fashion, its accomplishments and challenges in its effort to build a better ecosystem
It feels that there is a lot of pressure to shop sustainably, to buy second hand but it is not always an option. Especially with so many sustainable fashion bloggers / influencers promoting it. However, sometimes it is not accessible, affordable, or appropriate (size, style etc.) for the wearers needs. Therefore, we need to think twice before creating an opinion of people for buying new garments.
This article helps you understand why do we need a material revolution in fashion, what are the new materials that are entering the market and how can we be a part of this changing face of fashion.
This article does not only take you through the technical aspects of Chanderi weaving but also taps on the emotions of the weavers for their traditional textile.
What is greenwashing, how are fashion brands using this tactic to hide the real cost of fashion and how can you avoid being greenwashed!
Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Instagram Pinterest How to be an ethical shopper: a quick guide! This article is an analysis of the current state of
Artisanal textiles date back many centuries and are known for their quality, intricacy and symbology. Find out how designers can not only support artisans but also learn from their work.
With the majority of textiles ending up in landfills, materials that are biodegradable and recyclable are crucial. From orange peel to potato waste this article explains what alternative fabrics are and why they are important.
Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Instagram Pinterest How Covid19 impacted fashion for the better ? This article is a brief review of the special Coronavirus edition
Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Instagram Pinterest Who are the luxury consumers of the future ? This article offers a summary of a section of GLOBAL
Facebook Twitter Youtube Linkedin Instagram Pinterest What is fashion upcycling ? So before learning why we should upcycle fashion, let’s first understand the verb ‘upcycling’.
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